
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Coyote Trickster

I haven't been working on writing my book. Simply no energy. I'd look at the stack of papers and have no idea where to begin. There is so much material after 35 years...and it's still flowing!

I woke up this morning letting the wheels turn. This must be a type of "meditation" that simply lets the wheels move. In the process I sometimes get specific "instructions." I'm not sure how or where they doubt through that etheric connection and intelligent source. This morning I got instructions on how I was to proceed with the book. Yes, specific information on how to lay it out. I had thought I was letting the project go...but, no, it came back around. That creative cycle is very mysterious and underlines again and again the practive of non-attachment. It reminds me of "coyote" trickster that Native People's talk about. This force is thee Trickster!

What about that meteorite that almost hit Earth? I heard about it on NBC last night..a great news source because it always features positive news. I've been hearing references to "positive feelings" this week. How cool is that? The "sacred feminine" is getting through!


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