
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Circle of Life Mapping

This is the first step of what I want to teach others. I booked something similar with a local Senior Center.

Circle of Life -- Mapping One's Identity

Our lives move in circles from birth to childhood to adolescence to adulthood to senior. These rhythms give us definition and meaning through a sense of identity. These rhythms also apply to creative cycles of relationships, professional work and personal growth. In this Circle of Life mapping experience we will explore the myths of identity that one gathers throughout one’s life and discover a source of identity at the heart of it all. Please bring with you four items that identify your childhood, adolescence, adulthood and senior. We will share stories, write poetry and create colorful images. As a result you will take home a mandala map that identifies your very own Circle of Life.

At the meditation on Saturday one woman was disapointed that she didn't get much...she saw a flower but didn't think it significant. People don't know about the language of the sacred feminine. They don't know how to see it or hear it. I hope to help change this.


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