
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Does Satan Exist?

I saw satan yesterday. My blood is still boiling. Satan's hell has met the wrath of my own hell. All hell is breaking loose!

Another plot of land near my house was raped. Nature's green earth clothing was stripped and piled in the middle of the barren plot of land. Why? Another home? Another market? Definitely a structure to fill the needs and wants of us greedy, devouring humans.

When will this madness stop? Earth is choking and unable to breathe as it is...why do we continue in destroying that which sustains us? Where's the feminine creativity and imagination to create a new landscape that is in balance and harmony with Nature? Where's the respect and love for Earth Mother?

Green values must be integrated from heart to mind and to hands and feet. Systems must be integrated to include green values...which is more than recycling and changing light bulbs.

Trees are the lungs of the earth...wake up people! I am being called to have a voice in this healing. New work.

The following exerpt from Carolyn Myss reminds me of kundalini's heaven/earth force in all bodies of matter.

Carolyn Myss, Why People Don't Heal and How They Can
page 195

The first chakra is the Tribal center of our bodies. Within the Hindu tradition, it is called Muladhara, which in Sanskrit means "root support." Buddhism recognizes this center as an earth point of connection. Through this chakra, at the base of the spine, flow the roots of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, referred to in Hebrew as Shekhinah. And within the Christian tradition, this center is symbolically represented as the sacrament of Baptism. Though each of these traditions uses different words to refer to the power of this center, they are all referring to the same quality of energy, which is considered to be feminine, symboloc of the earth. If you can think of all the different ways to describe this energy as one united force, you can begin to grasp the nature of the power of the first chakra.

The energy of our first chakra is meant to ground us, to make us feel that we are part of the grand universe of life but also inextricably connected to the physical dimension of life. Because this energy is so directly rooted in physical life, because it nurtures and is nurtured by connection, it is considered a feminine force. This force can be though of as our link to the actual energy of the earth itself. A strong and positive connect to this chakra's energy is essential to our health because we are energy beings. Our physical body produces and thrives on electrical currents that, in turn, connect us to the physical patterns of the earth.


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