
Thursday, April 2, 2009


I could ignore the manipulative antics of Tracker. However, there is a purpose to the telling of this story.

Tracker treats me like a machine. He pulls this way and pushes that way. I watched him manipulate a turtle that way once -- in front of an audience. I and everyone else thought it humorous and clever. Little did I know back then. Little do others know now. With me (and other women) his manipulations are telepathic. (a friend told me that Lynn Andrews has written about this type of personality in one of her books...which I soon hope to read.)

From a high observing place I now watch Tracker manipulate the physical field. His antics are low frequency -- far removed from heart and soul of emotion. Matter that I am is treated like an object -- void of feelings. The effects of this dis-connected level of consciousness is evident everywhere on our Earth Mother: indigenous peoples wiped out, landscapes raped, trees destroyed, communities over populated with congestion, etc. Earth Mother is used like an object...a machine. (Just because Tracker works in the field of nature and wilderness does not mean that he knows and loves his own Feminine nature. IQ is not EQ.)

Tracker's manipulation and attempt to control is intentional which is ultimate self-absorption and ignorance. This is the way of Fallen Angel. He is like the Wizard of Oz....once the curtain is pulled he is seen for who he really is...for what he really does. I pull the curtan again and again.

I am now holding in Eye and in hand a dense black "crystal. " Its substance is the strongest in the universe. (what is kryptonite?) It has no points. Its edges are blunt. This "pellet" is lodged deep in brain both personal and universal. Maybe it's lodged in DNA and has a trace in every cell.

This dark pellet is a "tracking" device. It weighs on the energy field. It chokes space with toxins. It manipulates and controls matter. It's a foreign substance -- and that is how and why Light forces detect its presence!

This dark pellet of inner and outer space can be thinned out so that Light filters through. Such is the alchemical process of chakra clearing and healing for the individual and the whole -- system.

Tracker does not stop his antics...that is his choice. It allows me the opportunity to transcend his low frequencies rising above his red and orange wavelengths. It allows me the opportunity to thin out my own darkness so that I can emit Light. Light that dissloves the dark pellet substance. Evil in our midst is an opportunity to heal by shining Light.

Love is unknown to those wading in low frequencies. I invite those who are stuck to dive deeper into their own soul; to step into the unknown. Baptism it's called. Purification. I've been involved in this circular process for many years and I continue to revolve with it. It's a polishing of that dark crystal so inner Light can emit into the outer world.

It's core expression getting through surface matter! Planet Earth needs humans to provide this emission. We are her crown of glory -- along with minerals, plants, animals, elements and elementals. All together we hold Her in protection so that she can do Her creative work to heal and purify making all things new.


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