
Friday, March 27, 2009

Honey Bee Encounter

I was working in my garden yesterdy turning soil and planting seeds. I was so happy to see a honey bee directly in front of my face. She was seeking nectar from the purplish Heal-All that is growing everywhere in my garden. Honey bees are associated with Goddess. I gave her a burst of blessings as well as thanking her and recognizing her part in the circle of life. As I dig up dandelions I am saving the roots to chop and roast for a nutritious coffee drink. I steamed some young nettles for dinner...I've never cut them so young and they are delicious. There is so much to learn about wild foods! There is so much bounty that is not seen anymore...which is why it's paved over.

This morning I think about eyes in the back of my head as a polar shift.

I was watching some of The Spy Factory on Nova last night. The images of our cities from space and the fiber optics that go under our oceans is astounding. How can Earth Mother breathe with all this commotion. I am so ready for her to give a little hiccup and shift things.

I drove past another plot of land near my house that is being leveled for the development of cheap housing. I felt choked and upset. I'm not sure how long I can live here and I want to retreat to the country. I have to engage logical male during these emotional times. My choices are simple these days due to unemployment.

I learn to live in the moment and not worry about 8 months from now. I learn to say no to this and yes to that. It's amazing the simple things that make me happy. I now have more time to hand sew the peace day banner which will parade tomorrow, I have more time to read about wild foods and the plants growing outside my door, I have more time to wash my dishes before I leave the house. I like slowing down.


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