
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Two Dreams & Fallen Angels

Dream three days ago:
I am on a bus with a man. We have a heart connection. There's a man outside the bus who wants to be close to me. The bus pulls away and I see him on the curb with a pizza box in hand. (I had a craving for pizza over the weekend.) He chases the bus and gets on. He is now on my left and the other man is on my right. There is love between me and the two men. It's important for the men to acknowledge each other. It's awkward for them but they shake hands. My thought watching the dream was that love is not jealous or possessive. This love was more than sexual -- it circulated wholistically -- it was and is holy.

I've been told that all aspects of a dream refer to parts of oneself. I didn't know that I had two males. Perhaps one is my inner male facing both toward and from my core and the other one my outer male facing both toward and from my worldly surface. That turning is a new aspect of Being. I'm grateful for this evolution in consciousness that will reveal itself more fully through circle of life.

Dream this morning:

I am held captive and cannot move. I struggle to see who has hold of me. I work and work to see. It's as if I have to turn my eyes around to see through the back of my head. His face appears and it's not someone I know in this realm. There is a very tight and pinching line across my upper back. It is constricting and painful as if the inner and outer are no longer compatable. As if something is trying to bust free.

At the debate Does Satan Exist? there was talk about fallen angels. Humans are fallen angels who descend into Earthy matter. The wing chakra is forgotten along with angelic identity.

This morning I asked what could I do to assist this line of force (fault line?) in this realm so it wasn't so constricted. I then remembered the two black corn kernels that I was given by a man in my spiritual community and prosperity class. The corn was given to him by White Eagle.
I will plant this corn with horse manure, sammamish valley soil and compost from my worm bin. I will take care of them working with the elements. Earth has to have space to breathe life force and spirit. This garden work is critical and so very valuable.

"Civilized" people have forgotten their connection with Earth and with gardening. It's too simple -- too humble. Civilized people need more complexity and sophistication. I'm glad I'm still wild and my dragons, fairies and horse! I'm glad my spirit has not been broken by this world of material values and indulgence.


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