
Monday, April 6, 2009

Tracker Shift

A couple days ago my emotional field picked up Tracker emotion. His response was like a digging in of heels...more red and orange. It put me into an alert mode. But then...something shifted. It was as if he made that 180 degree pathway shift and observed from an opposite point of new angle. If this is true it means that there is a thinning out in his emotional field. This shift had an effect on my field and it was one of those times where I had to be still and sleep. Transitions are like that for me. Years ago I had thought of a friend and had to sleep immediately. I later learned that he had passed away at that same time. I'm not sure what happens during sleep...but there appears to be work done outside of body's physical field.

Tracker and I cannot be lovers for many reasons. We can be loving. I welcome such healing that can only happen through evolving of frequencies. I am hopeful that shifts continue.

When I awoke from the intensity of Tracker shift I listened to my bodies to see what was moving energetically. I felt like signing up for an open mic at Soul Food Books and reading a poem about I did. When I was asked at the bookstore what number I wanted in the line-up I chose "9" and used my spirit name of Yellow Turtle Spirit. I shared the story of my two spirit names: Yellow Turtle Spirit in Laughing Waters. I was happy that the audience was quiet listened as I read. I plan to read my poetry again.


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