
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Angles of Connection = Community

I'm happy to see that I can connect with Carolyn Myss this month:

From the World to You:
Using the Archetypes to Understand the Changes in Your Life
Caroline Myss
Hay House Live Online Event
April 14, 2009
Show: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDT
Pre-show: 3:45 pm - 4:00 pm PDT
Login beginning at: 3:30 pm PDT

Unemployment limits my spending and travelling. It's causing me to stay local which I rather like. I applied for a great job today with Casey Family Programs. I don't usually get a response from companies. Perhaps if/when there is a heart connection that lack of connection will shift. I am starting to enjoy not going to a job. I am relaxing into and trusting this transition phase of my life.

I was asking myself about that 180 degree line and seeing circle with those petals in 8 shape. They're feedback loops. I wonder what that looks like in our brain?
Chakras are feedback loops as are organs and cells...and planets. Does all matter contain feedback loops? I would love to hear what Deepak has to say about all this. He has such a bright mind! As do others adding intelligent angles to our collective story...and community.

My friend with the ponies loves to read and gave me her Urantia book to look at. I don't resonate with it...too much "Father." I have yet to find reference to Mother or Feminine or Goddess. I don't have time to waste on old left brain orientation. It's time to move on in balance that includes a consciousness of both male and female forces invisible and visible.


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