
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Carolyn Myss & Baptism

I appreciated Carolyn's words from her Hay House online event yesterday regarding the value of self-dignity and self-worth.

Matter holds circular space. That sacred space of aura holds energy. That energy is charged or not. Is clear or not. Is honest or not. Is pure or not. There are many shades inbetween. One is responsible for one's circle of life. A teacher helps others get in touch with their own inner circular nature so they evolve upright and not leaning on another person or material stuff. This is what I will start teaching in my Circle of Life ~ Mapping One's Story class as of next Tuesday. Soon I'll post the class description on my website.

I have Carolyn's book Why People Don't Heal and How They Can in a visible spot in my living room. This morning I picked it up without conscious intention and "blindly" opened the book to "baptism." Body did all this without consciousness. I seem to be moving in this non-intentional way more and more now that I'm not employed. I float...until I have to get practical and in this world to survive. I really like floating where my brain is sort of empty and not in driving gear. It's peace full.

From Carolyn's book page 221:

The First Chakra--Baptism
...Baptism is thus symbolic of the information that grounds the child to its place on the earth. archetypal celebration of the gift of life itself. Its meaning and relationship to the first chakra, which symbolizes our connection to physical life and to groundedness in the energy of the earth, is identical to that of baptismal rituals in other cultures.

This is a powerful chapter where individuals go through a healing baptism experience with water. Very inspiring.


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