
Saturday, April 18, 2009


A friend gave me a couple of Lynn Andrews books to read thinking that I'd appreciate the references to sorcery. I started to read one of them. With no disrespect I have to say that the book made me feel "creepy" -- I guess that means unsafe. So I stopped reading it and picked Brooke Medicine Eagle's Buffalo Woman Comes Singing off my shelf. It's packed full like a crystal. A very different experience.

I am plugged in to a new whole system. Tracker's vivid red energy is now absorbed into this larger whole. It feels impersonal...I'm not involved in the same way. I don't know how this works. I do know that there's been a shift between me and this incoming energy. Perhaps a buffer of some sort. Or perhaps there is now a place to transfer and transmute it.

Some Genesis volunteers did an Earth Day Duwamish Alive! event with my son's organization. We cleaned up a dumpsite along the Duwamish (associated with Chief Seattle) River. We opened up a space for Mother Earth to breathe!

There is a Duwamish Longhouse near the site that was recently opened. My Alluet friend and I stopped by. I was talking with one of the men and he mentioned that he worked with the youth. I told him about my class Circle of Life ~ Mapping One's Story and asked if I might have an opportunity to share it. He gave me a date in May. I'm aware that this class will bring up grief for some. I want that grief to have a voice as well as the lighter aspects/threads of people's stories. No, I don't have any idea what I'm getting into. I'm in the flow of trust knocking on doors and walking through the ones that open before me.

I did the circle of life process with a friend for the experience. For the East of childhood she drew a swing set with A A as the sides. She was surprised and commented that maybe her AA journey started in childhood. It will be fascinating to see how the listening/receptive space and the active/artisitic hand and mouth space co-create to bring up impressions from Her "underworld."


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