
Friday, May 8, 2009

Bio-Rhythms and Roots

With the food craving was a descent into depression and sadness. It's been quite a few days since I felt that heaviness. I especially noticed it when I was talking with a friend on the phone -- I was cranky and toxic. This made no sense as I was not experiencing any stress with a job, a relationship, poor diet, hormones, etc. Does this mean that bio-rhythms sound from deeper core of being and not on the surface? What sets our bio-rhythmic patterns? Do these patterns run through inner and outer space? Do they create the spinning motion that regulates life support systems?

I feel victorious in that during this food craving phase I had one pumpernickle bagel with butter and felt satisfied. My old pattern has been to eat and eat and eat. Memory of my childhhod nanny/housekeeper came up last night. I saw her face and remembered her vividly. I loved this woman very much. She and I had a special bond as she loved me in return. Aida would care for us kids while mom was in the hospital due to nervous breakdowns (mom became deaf as an infant and had many challenges). I remembered that childhood was also a time when my older sister and I had terrible rashes on our arms and behind our necks. I had to stop eating wheat for the doc to figure out what I was allergic to. Rye krisp didn't cut it back then. Thus, AH-HA! the roots of my emotional attachment to wheat. (My sister and I are now aware that the rash reflected the unspoken feelings and circumstances in our family. We never talked about feelings, why mom left for periods of time, etc.)
So, as I get to the root of my food addictions I also get to the root of those who were there and are still there in my heart. Those who represent patterns of love, wholeness and health. Thank you, Aida! And Lassie and Laddy...they want to come forth as well! My collie dogs whom I loved so much.

AM dream 1:
Movement in a wide sweeping arc going downward. I can't see over the edge and feel the descent. I am sitting with two women on a seat on a ferris wheel. We are not dumped out because a ferris wheel keeps one in an upright position, stable...graceful.

AM dream 2:
Firefighters on top of a tall building are putting water from a hose with diffused nozzle on flames. They have the flames surrounded and are working as a team doing amazing and creative feats to get the job done.


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