
Monday, June 1, 2009

Native Youth

I heard that someone in the local interfaith network didn't like the word "alliance" in ANH. I've also heard this one or that one doesn't like Deepak Chopra. Unlike someone else I know I'm not interested in asking why or discussing this. I am interested in linking with those who share my visions/actions which are inclusive.

Inclusive doesn't mean we all fit in/on the same wavelength or share the same vision and action. However, inclusive does mean that we all respect and value our differences and our similarities. On a circle we meet at the core of soul/spirit and it's from here we see the whole and thus, we are inclusive. One cannot be inclusive from any other point of orientation.

I attended a community meeting at the Duwamish Longhouse regarding how to meet the needs of Native youth academically and emotionally. We used the talking stick format. I didn't think I'd stay for the entire 5 hour meeting; I didn't think I'd speak. But I stayed in the flow. As one Native woman introduced her Elder mother I felt this huge wave of grief rise up. I started sobbing. This was after someone had talked about native longhouses being a place of healing for the land. This was after Native parents had talked of their isolation and struggle with the school system. When I had feather in hand I was able to move my emotion through whole body language. I have fallen in love with Native youth and my Native community. I have new heart connections that share my green values. I will be getting more involved to see how I can assist them in their visions/actions.


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