
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Linkage, Spin and Effects

Instant karma...the circle is going around at new efficiency and speed. An act of negativity produces an instant effect. The same is true of positive action. This does appear to be a time and season of instantaneous harvest.

The Native American artist who had expressed interest in illustrating my children's book was at the Embodying Spiritual Wisdom in Practical Action tonight. She apologized for not getting back with me and we may meet next week. She sketched some turtle images for me and I gave her feedback about the turtle story. This linkage and the one with Ruth Ward at my Circle of Life class felt like the universe was having a good belly laugh! As if to say that some things are worth waiting for!

A woman approached me at the event saying that she had heard me mention Deepak Chopra (ANH). She has a CD of Nightline's taping of the Does Satan Really Exist debate. She suggested get a group together and discuss it. Perhaps this viewing and discussion can be our first local ANH group meeting! How easy was that? Effortless is the word -- and that's the way some things are manifesting lately. I hope to put out an expansive invitation to this meeting...which means to the general public as well as to friends.

Several people were talking about circles tonight. Circle logos were visible. The collective body is honoring all levels of consciousness. This calls for ceremony and celebration! Silversong assisted with this by giving the UN dignitaries medicine bags with sage.

I met Dimitri Spivalk from St. Petersburg, Russia who is an inter-religious chair of the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. I gave him my Circle of Life material to digest and welcomed his feedback. Fun to know my circle vision is somewhere in Russia. Dimitri has a sweet spirit.

A couple of weeks ago on television I saw a special feature about wolves in the Methow Valley. Two friends of mine, whom I knew from the Human and Fairy Relations Congress Council, own Skalitude Retreat Center located in the valley and were interviewed about the wolves. I'd been thinking about the upcoming Fairy Congress community and missing those friends. So I called. Today Lindsay called back and I'm going to be the Volunteer Coordinator for the event. Brook Medicine Eagle is going to be one of the presenters.


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