
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Embodying Spiritual Wisdom in Practical Action

What a shift! Response is what makes the world go round.

Jon Ramer invited me to an event tonight. This morning when I was rattling (I started at heart then E/S/W/N around head and then at feet) and drumming I got that drum and rattle want to go to this event, too. I would love to do an Earth offering of prayer and song tonight. However, I don't know these folks! I am taking my Circle of Life flyers as it is a great tool to gather elders and build community. I'm wondering if the United Nations has a circle/department of Elders. I will ask tonight.

Embodying Spiritual Wisdom in Practical Action:
A Conversation with UNESCO Chairs and Community Potluck
Thursday, May 14th
St. Mark's Cathedral, Bloedel Hall

On Thursday, May 14th from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., you are invited to St. Mark's Cathedral to hear three Inter-religious Chairs of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization. They will speak at a community potluck dinner discussion about their global perspectives and experiences on the ways that faith can unite or divide us throughout the world. The UNESCO Chairs are from St Petersburg, Russia, Lyon, France and Graz, Austria. They are interested in learning from us insights about our local faith experiences.

This dinner is hosted by Northwest Interfaith Community Outreach and the Compassionate Action Network as a way to expand authentic intercultural and interreligious dialogue. Bring your favorite entrée and your thoughts about your spiritual journey. Greetings will be brought by Rev. Samuel Berry McKinney. Small group discussions will be held on how we use our collective faith and spiritual wisdom to make Seattle and the world a better place.


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