
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lilacs and Leprechauns

Enjoyed time with youth at the Duwamish Longhouse. They all engaged and sat quietly creating their circle of life -- or "medicine wheel" as their tradition would say. I love working with children and wonder if I'll get more involved. I made some heart to heart connections with these kids who dance, drum and do a "canoe journey". I have permission to post the photos online.

Energy has opened up in West Seattle, Ballard, Duwamish Longhouse, Daybreak Star. I wonder if I'll move West. Maybe a job there? Mind wants to know what the future holds so that I can support myself and the activities I love. Mind is a caretaker which is why He's intelligent! Mind also needs good reigns to bring Her emotions back into check. She can get out there at times with worry and doubt.

Thursday morning I awoke to seeing brown soil with tiny green leaves emerging. I thought this was in response to my "Gardeners Wanted" post on the ANH Pacific Northwest group page.

Last night I picked lilacs and as I was taking them into the house I looked up into the western sky and got "TRUST"...this phase of the unknown is an opportunity to practice trust! I have started to wonder how I'll steer my life these next couple of months. I do have decisions to make regarding employment and possibly moving.

I put the bouquet of lilacs next to my bed and could not get to sleep. There was a bustle of activity with little people popping in and out. One had a crooked pipe...leprechaun? They were merry and substantial. Quite different from faery energy and form. RJ Stewart came into view/consciousness. I haven't seem him since the last Fairy Congress. I wonder if the tiny green leaves were shamrocks. Maybe lilac and shamrock were communing since I have living shamrock plants in my house.

This crossroads of multi-dimensional realms transpires through collective grid/network of contacts. Each individual being holds unique matter and energy that connects with points and lines in multi-dimensional inner and outer space. It's as if each one of us is a shining star to some degree in space and time. The shining quality is the magic potion in/on which we travel and See.

Over the years I've collected business cards. I contacted several people I had met in Costa Rica with ANH. The business cards feel like seed packets. The outreach feels like a furrow made in soil. Gardening is so fun!


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