
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Missing Link

Getting more social and starting to use Facebook. Will probably use Facebook for Circle of Life and the Pacific Northwest (change of name) Alliance for a New Humanity. I like the short and sweet chats and photos.

Saw on the news tonight there was an unveiling of the "missing link". Scientists have found an ancient primate that looks like a dinosaur, is the size of a cat and who lived with snakes and horses. Now, that got my attention. I must have lived back then...that DNA runs through my veins.

All weeds are useful in some way....most are edible and/or medicinal. Are the weeds in my personal "garden" that way as well? I guess they're all lessons that teach love of self and others. I am more outspoken these days about my garden of Truth. I guess I'm speaking my heart/mind. I can do more of that now that I'm unemployed. I can be more genuine!


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