
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Negative End of the Spectrum

I was given the spirit name "Yellow Turtle Spirit" by a Native Elder when I was part of her medicine lodge. It didn't work for me to stay in the lodge because she was the teacher and my own spiritual experiences/stories weren't welcome. Some time later I received the name "Laughing Waters" from within. So, combining them I am Yellow Turtle Spirit in Laughing Waters.

I am swimming in deeper waters these days. Waters represent emotions.

I got angry again and let the person know through tone and words. This is so unlike me. I grew up without the expression of feelings...especially anger and conflict. It's as if a new spectrum of negative emotion is rising up. Reminds me of a lightning bolt...and Zeus?

I had a confrontation with yet another friend and found myself telling a third friend about it. Doing so made me realize I needed to talk to the one I was spinning around. So, I did. Seems to be a time of drawing lines and tightening boundaries. A time of instant cause and effect.

I am happy to say that the recent confrontations have not led to breaks in relationships. I think they may be deepening.

I've planted flowers in some ground that is shallow. Foxglove is usually 5-6' high. Mine is 2' high and won't get any taller due to the lack of depth underground. This is so much like one's own evolution. We fly upward into emotions of happiness, joy and bliss and we dive deep into emotions of sadness, anger and grief. Can one handle the extreme weather patterns? Can one yield enough? Can one be humble?


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