
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Living Pipe and Flute Music

Fascinating people at the Duwamish Longhouse event. I will be reaching out and networking with some of them. The food yummy and the flute music soothing. I am hearing flute through John Denver and Celtic music.

Before sleep a lot of creativity was moving in streams of consciosness:

I thought about Tracker and image appeared of native pipe/chanunpa which he owned years ago. Image of pipe was taken with two hands and broken against a leg/knee with soft white buckskin. This pattern repeated over and over again. New pipe is delivered. (There is a Native story about white buffalo calf woman and the sacred pipe. This is not that story nor is it a revised version. All things are made NEW.) I ask about the feathers dangling from old pipe; there are no dangling feathers on new pipe. New pipe has living feathers via winged beings of fairies and angels who express in descending order. I ask about winged dragon and hear that horse and dragon are of the underworld and express in ascending order. Human is in the middle. With both hands I receive the pipe that is horizontal E/W. As I bring the pipe to me it shifts into N/S position. Pipe is now flute with outlets for sound. Humans are living, breathing instruments.

I reach out to Deepak/ANH rejoicing
We gesture hand to hand in high-five
Then I take hands in mine jumping for joy on a trampoline
Trampoline is made of material with give and take
Material that can flex with pressure and tension
Jumping up and down on trampline creates concave and convex motion
in circular space of e-motional content

I see Serpent jaw above me
I wear Serpent head dress
Serpent is a collective body
I am honored to play my part

Dragon lines rejoice integrating Heaven and Earth


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