
Thursday, September 3, 2009

BEE Enchantment

The Shamanic Way of the Bee is pollinating me! As I read I stop and feel surrounded by fairy dust. The Way of the Bee is one of enchantment -- a joyful peace and serenity.

In this realm one has to go beyond "the veil" to collect this magic and then bring it back into this earthy hive. One has to see with inner Eye and collect the pollen that flows in the land of "milk and honey."

We reclaim our magical rituals and our nature centered orientation. We reclaim our rhythm that attunes to cosmic rhythms. We fly with pointed focus of sting.

The Way of the Bee encompasses Pan, Goddess, Nectar and Nektars, and Sexuality that is a whole expression and not at all what humans act out in this place and time. May our ignorance and immaturity evolve.

Enter the worlld of the Bee Mister and Bee Mistress! Connect with magic and BEE!


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