
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rearrangement of Electrons

The concern I had a few days ago about spending time with a certain man was a non-issue. My field was still without any emotional waves! I had opportunity to maintain my equilibrium and at the right moment -- when emotion moved from within -- offer this man love from higher ground. The camping weekend with extended family was an expansion of love.

Since I've been home I've had that spacey feeling as if head and body are disconnected. It's a struggle to get out to the gardens and be active. I begin to wonder if there's a pattern here as this disorientation happens regularly. Does expansion of loving field affect brain body? Could it be that love creates chaos that is a rearranging of electrons making all things new?

I have found energy to contact boys and girls clubs in the area and they are receptive to my class -- and have funds! I'm thinking that if I don't find a job this winter I could go into the Peace Corps or Habitat for Humanity. Maybe I could find a village with a shaman! In the meantime I'm working to promote my class and build a business. Life is full of surprises!


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