
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Glandular Pebbles

Male and female forces/men and women are not designed to be enmeshed or entangled. Each is designed to be whole, free flowing and independent. It is then that the two opposites can be holy, radiant and interdependent...and inter-connected. Entanglment creates chaos, amnesia, spells. Sorcery sets in and takes over. Through individual awakening and evolution male-female/men-women are set free. Free to engage in healing and creative work. A series of whole and holy links.

Dream: My brain-body was tested. Deepak wanted to send the results to other doctors. He had a worried look on his face and I asked him why. He said the docs were too "academic." I said that it didn't matter. My body felt strange after the tests and when I touched my forehead there was a small bump like a pebble. I sensed all my endocrine glands were similar. I then visited Deepak with "family." There were several babies on the floor. I connected with one baby and had eye to eye contact. Next I am in a new age shop looking at aromatic amulets in small colored bags. I was to choose two scents I liked best. I didn't like fruit or sweet flowery scents and chose the one spicey and subtle. I am drawn to one bag that is white with lacy weave. There is no amulet stone in this bag. I am told this bag represents Love. I then hear that there was an earthquake. I didn't feel it. I go out to check on my grandkids who are eating in the cafe. I mentioned the earthquake to Sierra but she had not felt it. At one point in this dream there is an "overlay" of sky blue with lines going E/W horizontally. There is lacy border which seemed amusing to me. Is there a fashion designer directing my dreams?

United Indians of All Tribes sent an email and called Pow Wow volunteers inviting us to a volunteer party today. Native people know how to be grateful! I will attend and ask who their grant person is so I can call this person with more questions. I keep pushing and planting seeds. Why? Because I am called to do work in this physical world. Work that honors who I am inside and out. Work where I can be my true and whole Self.

I'm grateful for the peace and quiet I receive from Tracker now. Love lives in this negative space. What work do Tracker and I have to do together? I hope new work!

I've noticed red clover for months. This past week it has called to me and I am now picking and drying it for tea this winter. Can one live by this way of listening? A way that doesn't rely on books or outside teachers?


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