
Friday, August 21, 2009

Grounding Chords

I met Tracker through Ingwe and his storytelling. Ingwe was and is a medicine man. He is attuned to the spirit of the leapord. Hank Wesselman is also attuned to leapord. Feels like a chord grounding in this realm. Grounding is a full circle connection where E/S/W/N forces meet.

My detective introduced me to Archangel CyberInvestigations. The brochure has a picture of Michael. Another grounding chord via Archangel Michael.

I sense something softening between Tracker and myself. Will it be sustained? I welcome balanced connection. Healing requires time and stillness. I do see a new dawn.

I am inquiring about my attendance at a free entrepenurial training at United Indians of all Tribes. I want to build Circle of Life class as a business. More dream work is to visit every native tribe in this state and offer this class. I would love to tell/publish the stories of Elders. I will continue to volunteer at United Indians -- I am attracted there. I chose not to follow through with the
Assistant Teaching job. I want more time to let other possibilities unfold.

Grounding chords bring soothing substance calming nerves and soothing muscles. Let earth be healed.

Thank you.


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