
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Alpine Wilderness Trail

I met Jill for the first time yesterday via video on their website. She is a beautiful and clear woman -- inside out clear. As I was about to listen to Hank's video a friend called asking me to go hiking. That is a rare treat so I said "YES!"

Alpine Trails Wilderness
Greeted by wildflowers
Bright Blue Monkshood, Indian Paintbrush
Yarrow, Asters blue and yellow
Cow Parsnip

Small bird with yellow
Grounds at the trail head
What more magic awaits?

My friend's poodle is greeted
by dogs and their owners
I've not been on a dog highway before

Soon I stop in my tracks
I gesture for my friend to stop
There it is!
On short wooden planks over the happy creek
Draped over a sunny log at the edge
A plump garter snake!
My friend knows of my serpent vision
and is as delighted as I am
Snake dashes in the underbrush
And I jump for joy!
at a creek holding signs of Faery

Dragonfly and butterfly land on my friend
who is in grief
I acknowledge this spirit ally support for her

Walking out at trail head
wind picks up
I receive the refreshing carress on my face

Driving out my friend sees huge blue/black raven
on the ground
It flies upward and couple of feet landing on tree branch
And...turns her head to look at us eye to eye
We are honored! Gratitudes!

What do Medicine Cards have to say about Raven?
Magic, change in conciousness, healing circle, Great Mystery

Driving out two long clouds stretch out in sky
My friend sees them as I do: Two serpents!

At one point on this journey I was watching two hornets in odd positions
One was biting the other -- in half. I watched the process. What is that about hornet to hornet?

My brain felt different yesterday and I told my friend that it felt like the wires were stripped. Not sure what that means. This morning I felt as if body was levitated.

My shamanic journey continues -- now, however, I have friends and teachers in this realm. Happiness is my response.


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