
Monday, August 10, 2009

Cutting Chords

As I was reading Visionseeker by Hank Wesselman a vision came in at the speed of light. I saw my home and surrounding land overlayed by chords of Tracker -- chords that are invasive. Tracker has connection with Kahunas in Hawaii as does Hank. Interesting that these threads are coming together in my consciousness at this time.

Whenever I soften my stance with Tracker he acts out sexually and invades my space. Thus, once again, I cannot trust this man who refuses to evolve.

Visions coming in "at the speed of light" remind me of a nature show I saw on TV last night. It was about lightning and showed how the energy current moves down reaching toward earth. The breakthrough information that one man captured via photography shows earth responding from points on ground with energy currents moving upward. These two currents connect and meet above ground and ignite. Spectacular! There are terms for these two currents but I did not write them down so I don't have that in memory. So, does my personal earth respond -- or not -- via electrical current to that which is coming in?

I am aware that I have developed muscle of awareness so that I don't respond to Tracker invasion. It is difficult, however, not to respond to tech stalking via computer hacking. I am taking steps to cut the chords that do not belong in my space.


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