
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Speaking Up / Speaking Out

There's movement in my valley to raise one voice and oppose the zoning changes be proposed by a developer. Several of us will attend the Public Hearing.

My letter to the editor:

Dear Woodinville Weekly:

I am very relieved to read in your July 20 edition that Woodinville’s City Council does not approve of the state-required growth allocations in our county. 2,500 – 3,000 new housing units by the year 2031 is unthinkable when it comes to our quality of life. What’s at the core of this ongoing issue of unsustainable growth? My logic sees it as overpopulation. Where are the discussions around this issue? What are the solutions? I can think of three: tax families for bringing a child into the world; give credit to families who adopt a child; and educate, educate, educate. Our planet doesn’t have the resources to sustain unlimited growth and Woodinville doesn’t either!


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