
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Matrix Magic

There is opportunity to be "party of record" and speak for 5 minutes regarding the zoning code changes and the Comprehensive Plan changes in this agriculture valley. I have some research to do if I want to speak.

I am starting to charge a fee for my Circle of Life class. I will deduct this amount from my EUC benefits. I now have an extended 20 weeks with potential for 13 after that. I want to build two income streams: the Circle class and The World Flag.

United Indians of All Tribes will pay me over half of my previous hourly salary for teaching a Circle Mapping class to their youth. I am so happy about this positive response and am reaching out to other non-profits. I'm talking with the YWCA and the NW AIDS Foundation. There is much potential with this class.

I am also reaching out to promote/sell The World Flag. WA State has nine Education Service Districts. I called several of them to see how I can share TWFlag info with their schools. Most of them forwarded me to the Assist. Supt. One district forwarded me to the media department. The man seemed impatient saying that he didn't have much time and yet he give me his email for more info. I love it when this happens...and light breaks through! This magic happened a lot at my previous job (before I moved to Corporate) and staff told me that I worked magic. People did like to say "yes" to me. I always thought it was something potential donors heard in my voice.

Friend, Lady Selah, asked me to help her promote her book at trade shows so this will be another income stream allowing me to extend my EUC benfits. After seven months of unemployment my living matrix is taking shape. I want to promote and sell products that I value!


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