
Monday, July 6, 2009

Colored Matrix

During the night I saw with inner eye a red and white matrix in checkered pattern. I was wrapped in it and thought of it at the time as a mummy bag.

How is this associated with terrain of unconditional love? Where is black?

Unconditional love is not promiscuous nor can its shield be penetrated by manipulative egos. This generative life force keeps toxins out and keeps protective heat in. In a mummy bag this heat protects the feet expecially.

So proud of Eagle and Bear - US and Russia - President Obama and President Medvedev. We weave the matrix healing the leaks and holes. We protect sacred space through personal and collective radiation of Love. Love makes people smile. It brightens the eyes and sharpens all senses. Our beloved Planet Earth and Her people wake up and take new action as criminal elements resist and act out.

The drug czars will not control. The sexual predators will not be fed. The greedy and self-absorbed will dry up. The terrorists will fail. Sweet green life prevails.


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