
Friday, July 3, 2009


Full of energy and life force today. The best thing I could have done Tuesday when I was down was to be with my grandkids.

Dream 1:
D drove up in a car with three people in the back seat. I was happy to greet him and even more happy that the three people in the back seat were personal friends of mine. In the dream I sensed the synchronicity of this. We were at an event that was announced as one thing but turned into something else. A few people gathered as I tried to explain the change. As more people filled in D handed me the microphone. As I spoke through it I questioned the amplification...wanting to make sure I was being heard.

Dream 2:
With a man having a discussion. I interrupt him...don't let him talk...something is coming up for me and I have to speak. My eyes are closed and I speak what I see: one line with opposite ends. Center point wants to make a point.

This morning when I awoke I considered the dreams and asked about center point. I got the word "fulcrum".

I will volunteer at Seafair Pow Wow at Daybreak Star. I want to be with Native brothers and sisters.

I've thought about snakes as I ride my bike along the river trail. When I was young there were many snakes basking on the road. Today I saw something odd in my path thinking it was a dark rope but it wiggled in serpentine motion. I stopped my bike to make sure it got to the other side safely. I always acknowledge Goddess when I come across snake.

More trees means...more birds! Today along the trail I stopped at some poplars to listen to the birds' songs. One bird "beeped" his way toward me and when he landed on a branch he bobbed up and down. I named him Beeping Bob. The yellow birds are here: goldfinch and the one with the black mask whose name I cannot remember. I'll look these birds up in my books. Here at the library recently I reconnected with someone who teaches bird language.

Definitions of fulcrum on the Web:

the pivot about which a lever turns

Fulcrum is a drumming term. Traditionally, the fulcrum is said to denote the part of a percussionist's grip that is the main lever for the drumstick/mallet to rotate. This is usually created by the thumb + index finger, the thumb + middle finger, or a combination of the index,middle, and thumb.

A mass of billions of stars clustered together in a group.

The pivot point of a lever.

the support of point that a lever rests on when it is lifting something.

a plane surface inclined at less than a right angle to a horizontal surface, used to roll or slide a load up or down.

A support or point of support on which a string vibrates. This is typically on the bridge saddle or nut region.

the corneous body on which the base of the tubus, or sheath of the tongue, in the Hymenoptera, rests; it is "le pivot" of Reaumer.


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