
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Energy Meridian Wheel

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Movement Of Ch'i

Ch'i circulates along acupuncture meridians or energy channels in the human body in a similar way that radio waves travel through space. These radiate to and resonate with all cells in the body. Although imperceptible, like radio waves, electricity moving faster than the speed of light continuously charges the body. When this energy flow is unrestricted, the body harmonizes the flow to optimize body functioning. When we abuse or cause stress to our bodies, sometimes the stress is so intense or so constant that, in effect it "overloads" the circuit. The "circuit breaker" pops and needs to be reset before energy can flow properly. The indication of whether this has occurred is the muscle test. The energy of each meridian system can be thought of as a circuit connecting joints, muscle areas and organs. The embryological development of the human body explains why each energy pathway connects to its own distinct and distant areas. As the human embryo grows, its organ/energy pathways develop and reach into distant parts of the body.

The major meridians connect to one another deep inside the body. On the surface, the meridians circulate closely, within a half-inch to an inch of connecting with each other. Each meridian runs on both sides of the body--mirroring itself. The Chinese were especially concerned with eliminating energy blockages in the energetic body channels. They created intricate maps of the body's energy system, and used acupuncture needles to draw awareness to specific areas where energy blockages occurred--rebalancing the channels. Today we have learned how to accomplish this same balancing of the body's electromagnetic system in non-invasive ways, utilizing different mediums such as the hands, special magnets, crystals, reiki patterns, etc. The highest goal of inner alchemy is to transform our cells to unite with Cosmic Energy and become immortal cosmic cells of the universe.

Using The Wheel

The wheel represents the flow of the meridian energy, each meridian being represented by a section of the wheel rim. By moving around the wheel in a clockwise direction, we can follow the flow of energy through the entire 12-meridian system. The lines within the wheel denote subsidiary energy flows among meridians, and may help you notice the patterns underlying a particular set of muscle weaknesses. Since the meridians are part of one continuous flow, we can look upstream and see where the block is, causing the energy not to flow properly. If we release the block, the energy can resume its unrestricted flow and energize the meridians downstream. If you look at at the muscles listed on the meridian wheel, you will see that the three meridians involved lie next to each other. When the flow is resumed, you will find them strong and energized just by working on the correct one. If another muscle is still weak, you deal with each of them in turn, moving around the wheel of meridians. You test muscles associated with the central and governing meridians first and strengthen these muscles if they are found weak. The central and governing meridians are called exit or storage meridians and it is helpful to be sure they are unblocked at the start of the balancing process.

There are patterns relating to the subsidiary flows between meridians, represented on the meridian wheel as dashed squares and dotted triangles. Dotted triangles indicate the energy bond that exists between meridians running in the same direction in the same part of the body. The triangles connect the three yang meridians that run down the back of the arm, the three yang meridians which run down the legs, the three yin meridians which flow from the feet to the torso and the three yin meridians which flow outward from the torso to the fingertips. The dashed squares indicate a relationship between meridians at the four extremites--they connect a yang meridian running from the back of the hand to the face with a yang meridian running face to feet with a yin meridian running feet to torso with a yin meridian flowing from torso to fingertip. If weak muscles form three corners of such a square, start strengthening with the first weak muscle clockwise from the one strong corner. The black spokes of our meridian wheel represent a relationship between pairs of meridians called the mid-day--midnight law.

When it is noon, the sun is straight above us, we are geting maximum energy from the sun. As surely as day follows night, when it's noon here it's midnight somewhere else, somewhere on the other side of the big circle we call home. The amount of energy that any given meridian absorbs from the environment varies throughout the 24 hour day, being highest during certain hours, lowest 12 hours later. The hours of highest energy absorption for each meridian are noted on the meridian wheel (now point). If muscle weaknesses found in testing don't fall into any of the patterns mentioned, begin with the first weak muscle clockwise from the present time of day (now point).

Meridian Body Clock

According to Chinese theory, the cycles of ch'i energy moving through the organs follow a daily clock-like pattern. The flow of energy is said to follow oscillating energy cycles with respect to time of day. Each of the main meridians has two, two-hour periods, during which, energy flow is first at a maximum and then later at a minimum intensity of circulation. The time at which energy flow is the greatest through a particular meridian may define the time of day at which it is best to treat a disease in the associated organ system. This internal timepiece which governs many bodily functions, including cyclic enzymatic activity within the brain, also seems to have an effect on the expression of drug toxicity. These subtle-energy rhythms are in resonant synchrony with the cosmic cycles of the universe. It is well known that many biological events seem to follow the maxima and minima of solar activity. The meridian system may be the energetic mechanism by which changes in solar activity are translated into cellular and physiological effects.


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