
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hands Speak

When Michael Beckwith was speaking he expressed himself (drew lines) with his right hand. My right hand connected and drew similar lines...especially to the rhythmic music. I felt the substance he was swimming in/drawing in. It was palpable. What is this individual and collective body language?

I'm reminded of a magical fairy wand with sparks of light at the end. One's hand is like that -- energy emits from our hands -- and many other openings in our body, our eyes especially. It's as if I was painting a picture with Michael in a sea of energetic substance. I'm calling this negative in-between matter. We can know one another in negative space. Clairvoyants "see clearly" in this negative space.

Why do most of us use our right hand dominantly? Are there cultures where the left hand is dominant? So much happens on my right side of body. I understand it's associated with left brain. Maybe I'll start to use my left hand more. What balanced effects would this produce?


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