
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dimensions of Love

Last night as much was spinning with energy I saw that a circle has both concave and convex arcs. The exchange between these two opposite shapes creates spinning motion. In other words spinning motion is the dance of concave and convex lens. Light is the energy source that causes/creates this response in the lens of matter. I have no idea how this plays out scientifically. That is not the part I play!

According to The Rainbow Book a halo is a bright glow of colored light. I thought it was white light without the individual colors. As I write I get that white light is the projection of the spectrum parts! According to The Rainbow Book aura is a glowing field of colored energy. So, we meet in one another's halo and aura. This is spiritual intimacy and a new quality of LOVE on our planet and thus in our galaxy, cosmos and universe. One plane rests in the next.

I notice in ANH discussion forums that I create new language that I didn't know was there. In other words my thoughts via words are NEW. I attribute this to the stimulation that I receive from other participants world wide. I attribute this to our global brain. Meeting certain individuals who have In-Sight and share Eye of Dragon is also stimulating to brain body. I need others and others need me. That is the purpose of a body: to hold space that contributes to the evolution of the whole brain/body. Such are the expressions, the dimensions, of LOVE.

One last thought: I'm thinking that shape via sound and color precludes language. In other words language is born through color and sound. How do I know? I am / we are experiencing it as one body. There is magic in our circle.


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