
Saturday, June 20, 2009

One Earth Body

It's as if a level of critical mass is being reached and increased light is breaking forth. I've cancelled several social events this weekend in order to contain my energy. An inhale of breath while birthing proceeds.

I put my body into inflammation again through too many acidic foods. It's a life long cycle and I'm a broken record talking about it. However, each time I go through this I and my body are at a new level. Now, with new awareness I can better see the spectrum of food choices and how the American diet is so very acidic. Where's the logic, the intelligence, when it comes to this addiction? Where's the "will power" and discipline? The healing of addiction goes deeper than that.

I hold myself in love as this emotional dis-ease (is not all disease and addiction an emotional dis-order?) sorts itself out. It seems to require a collective coordination of "muscles" through spirit, heart, mind and body. Each time I end up on this side of the health spectrum I turn to information about energy meridians. It's fascinating how spirit and body parts are connected...and how earth acts out, communicates, its true state of being. The body doesn't lie!

It's also as if I don't want my body to be more pure and light. The "dark side" has had a strong magnetic hold on brain pathways and chemistry. And yet we move forward toward light. What is this chaos and order cycle? And do they always play out simultaneously? Im thankful to know a transcendent point of stillness beyond all the motion and e-motion of change.

Earth Mother / Turtle Island knows inflammation due to emotional outbursts through people. As one part I know that my personal healing has an effect on our collective healing. We are one body.


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