
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pushing the Envelope

At center of generation of substance Eagle emerges. Thank you, Great Spirit.

Today's News:

I am inside a bubble pushing the inside edge outward
I have new stature/capacity
I feel new sensual links between head, groin, feet
I watch demons control me and suffer the consequences via earth body

In this intense time of inflammation both positive and negative poles are engaged and active. One turns one way; the other turns the other way -- out-of-balance and whobbly.

I asked why I stay in the pattern of food addiction. I got that I am not in my body; that there are holes in my aura.

I have a bubble around me and sense its edges. New substance comes in from the outside meeting the edge offering circular embrace. Is this new muscle bringing masculine logic and structure needed to change old self-destructive habits?

Logic uses boundaries/lines that circle requires for sound structure.

I offered a friend attunement on her ankle. My right hand generated healing force. I got that the wring worm would dry up. I shook the tingling vibes off my hand. I notice I am doing more with chi in service to others. I can use this substance in my own healing.

Chi expression is healing like a soothing ointment.

I remembered that I sucked my thumb until I was 5 years old. How can one breathe while sucking one's thumb? Is food addiction an oral obsession? Is tongue a muscle that is overused? Maybe tongue needs a rest. Maybe nose-body needs deep breathing to heal old addiction. I search the edges for answers.

In those moments when I am craving sweets I feel like I am drowning and nothing can replace the forbidden fruit. The drowning gets louder and louder and I quicly cave in. I don't work to use the tools that are available: breathing, drumming, stillness, dance, bike riding, singing, meditation, screaming, punching pillows, sobbing. My pattern has been to go with the flow. It's time to change that with structure and a new pushing back. Feminine energy can be strong and forceful making healthy choices.


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