
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Higher Control Center

Another politician is caught in infidelity. Do most men lust after women either in thought or action? What is the chemistry behind this behavior? Hormones? Why do men (and women) act like they're sexual machines? Hormones? It's time to awaken a higher control center that resides within a whole system of spirit, emotion, thought and behavior! What hormones are these?

It's time for men and women to have a deeper conversation about the "institution" we call marriage. What does Nature tell us about relationship? I see the Sun with many planets revolving around it and the planets in turn with orbs revolving around them. Perhaps we are meant to have more than one significant other. How does that play out in fearful and dark consciousness? It doesn't. Instead rules and expectations are imposed to keep order rather than listening and watching for natural order. When unconditional love breaks out relationships will change. Honest communication will be a sign.


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