
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer looks 10 years younger! Weight loss has many benefits. His success story through example has powerful effects.

Wayne talked about ego. We lose ego that is found on the outer rim of circle. Ego drenched in surface identities and treasures of this world. We dive deep into the core center and find true value in spiritual Light. We re-emerge on the surface as ego is re-born. What is new Ego called? Ego is made of flesh and bones and asks for a new image -- new branding.

Wayne talked about imagination and he gave us space to use our imagination. Since the trees sang to me I am imagining myself living in a cabin in the woods. During Wayne's talk this image revealed a man next to me! I did not intend or create that man...he simply appeared. He was wearing white.

I walked into the packed church where Wayne was speaking and chose a seat next to a nice man. We had several exchanges during the evening's talk. As we were walking out he asks me if he was going to see me again. He called yesterday and asked me out to dinner. This pattern is uncommon in my life. I was thinking the other day about my women friends and noticing the lack of male friends.

As Wayne was closing the evening I put my right hand in the air to send acknowledgment and love. I felt sparks of energy emitting from my palm.

Imagination...a space of imaging. This space for me is an empty space. I'm not good at imagining material stuff. What would I want? What would make me happy? Instead I create an open and sacred space in which I listen and watch. Magic happens here...when on lets go to this receptive force.


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