
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Dream, Circle Mapping and World Flag

Wednesday dream: Mom is at my doorstep. I am NW and she is SE in a diagonal position. She shows me her lower legs/shins and tells me she is hurting and tired. Her legs are very thin...not like her legs in this lifetime. (When she passed over her legs were very large, dark blue and hardened due to diabetes.)

Then I am looking up to her. We have shifted positions. I am SE and she is NW. She tells me she is leaving -- passing over. I put my hands on her waist. She is very round and I find the right "seam" to hold. This flesh contact ignited a wave of grief gripping me at my deepest core. I let the emotion rip and scream without reservation. A couple of people are with me but I am not inhibited. I sense this now as an emotional fault line...a healthy system of communication.

Shared Circle of Life - Mapping One's Story at Day Break Star Youth Home with Elders from Alaska. I shared with one woman and then another rather than a group. This makes the time very personal and I get to hear about their lives and ask them questions. This makes me happy! I'll go back to share with youth in a few weeks.

Tomorrow my new friend Vivian and I drive to Portland. I have a meeting at The World Flag office with the development team. I may do some work with/for them. My newest brainchild is a United We Stand campaign and I have ideas to share. This brainchild is different from my last one (Green Heart) in that The World Flag has an infrastructure and I won't be planning and doing this alone. It will be fun to see if anything evolves. As usual...I am not attached and I continue to watch and listen for response.


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