
Friday, July 17, 2009

Good News!

I received this today:

Dear Patricia,

Thank you for helping protect Oregon's ancient forests!

Ever wonder if your actions make a difference? Here's proof - yesterday the Obama Administration withdrew a Bush-era plan to more than double logging in ancient forests in Oregon. Your emails in support of this effort helped tip the balance.

With this move, the Obama Administration resets protections for some 2.6 million acres of public forests of coastal and southwest Oregon. With their towering trees and rushing rivers, these forests are home to some 1,000 wildlife species, including imperiled species like the marbled murrelet and the northern spotted owl. These spectacular forests also encompass some of the most productive salmon habitat in the lower 48 states.

Thank you for your activism! Together with other WildAlert online community members, we generated more than 130,000 emails in support of these protections.
As a Wilderness Society supporter, you lend extra weight to our potent blend of expertise, bringing the law, science and good public policy to bear to protect America's beloved national lands.

We can't thank you enough for your support!

Kathy Kilmer


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