
Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Voice in Body

I've been noticing a new vibration or voice in my body. It feels like a big smile coming from my center -- maybe solar plexus. Is it 7 months of unemployment and R&R? Is it aware eating with less carbs? Is it love that I AM wrapping around me? Is it more time with women friends? Is it seeing new pathways open for work in the world? Is it garden time and sun? It's all these things I am now calling my Living Matrix.

Through mind's eye I saw letters/words/sentences in one block...then some letters on the left enlarged...then I noticed a field of caring energy wrapping around me. This is the same sequence as the sea dragon experience on the Encinitas beach. These language symbols came in on the speed of light. I'd have to wrap around them with a different part of my brain (cognitive?)in order to recognize/see (South) and digest/know (North) them. I'd have to slow down this incoming stream of information in order to wrap around it. Does this mean that telepathic impressions come in from the East?

Seems to me there are different "time frames" and wave lengths in the parts of the brain.


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