
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sex, Love and Boundaries

I spent some time with a woman recently whose energy felt like/sounded like (feelings are sound!) that of some men I know -- red, orange and sexual. Why am I so sensitive to this energy? Probably because these frequencies were my identity until I was 25 years old. Until that time I thought men and sex would make me happy. I was conditioned, like everyone else, to live as if sex was love.

When I hit bottom at age 25 I got scared and took a metaphysics class. In my first meditation I met light-being Archangel Michael. My world shifted and I would never be a lost soul again! Gradually I moved out of the dominant reds and oranges discovering new colors and frequencies of who I AM.

Red and orange are colors and energies of childhood (East) ego and physical dominance of adolescence (South). We are intelligently/lovingly designed to move West and North through a maturation process. We are designed to move full circle again and again.

When reds and oranges dominate the higher frequencies of light’s sound and color are blocked. We see the effects on Planet Earth: overpopulation, addictions, violence, depression, disease, etc.

How does one move out of lower frequencies that have us brainwashed, conditioned and stuck in physical desires and pleasures? The first step is to stop, look and listen within. A spectrum of frequencies are singing and as one listens and hears one makes adjustments within oneself and without in one’s life. This spiritual evolution requires a deep desire to move forward on a spiritual path. This requires an honest intention to be one’s whole self. This requires the willingness to die as a separate ego and to be reborn as one whole being of light with an ego.

I am noticing a softening toward Tracker. Did he harass and beat me into submission after that week of hell? The Truth is he harassed me into more Truth telling -- submission to that which is higher. I cannot relate to Tracker as I did years ago. I am not the same person. I do feel threads of higher love toward him. This love is not that which is dominated by red and orange. This love is a full circle and spectrum. And this love knows how to protect fields of energetic matter through healthy boundaries.


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