
Thursday, July 30, 2009


I received an email from Hay House regarding the Vitamin D Revolution. Yes, we need sol nourishment but not from outside in. The Vitamin D that we need...Sol inside out. Who has studied this medicine?

We explore outer space but don't turn within to inner space where the true answers await.

My simple way of seeing:

Cancer is a disease of suppression. Suppressed emotions, suppressed secrets. Air/Spirit does not breathe freely.

Swine Flu is a disease of over crowding and lack of oxygen. Crowded cities are the cause. Would anyone march for less crowding and more air? As I see it people seem to like to march and play up disease. How twisted is that?

Beer Summit...President Obama's creative leadership is refreshing. Some people don't want him to succeed. People live in fear and resist change...inside and out.


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