
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Life on the Move

Good to see positive news via Bill Clinton and N Korea agreement!

Such a relief to have some time on the computer without interference. I had one hell of a week last week. I felt Tracker energy -- I would move this way and he would block...again and again. Such a strange way to get attention. The fact is this aggressive behavior pushes me away from him. I would love to take a class at the school he founded but do not feel safe when he acts out like this. I would have loved to attend their anniversary event but could not because of his invasive behavior. If he wants to have a connection this harassment must stop!

I think I may have an artist (a woman friend who is Native American in heart) for my children's story book Turtle's Circle of Life. It will complement my classes.

I'm organizing International Day of Peace with Bellevue College. ANH and The World Flag are co-sponsors.

Trying to get my website fixed...Lupe has been very busy. I do have a new website template I've been working on that is much easier to upload/manage but I like the old website he created.

Slept under the stars this past weekend at a woman friend's property on an island. Woke up inspired about my book. Nice to have this time to feel inspired... I am grateful.


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