
Friday, August 14, 2009

Turtle Flight

AM Journey:

Network of light like roots underground -- a meeting ground

Orange/red sun spirals in the distance

Flying fast on back of Turtle -- meet Goose and woman with long red hair
She comforts and assures me -- touching the top of my head -- soothing

Standing on large black rock cliff -- facing West -- wind in face -- arms upward in V -- links behind me with their arms in same position

Message comes in: Tabernacle of God/dess is with wo/man

Large bullfrog closes the session -- vibrate blues, greens -- huge eyes

T is in a bag squirming, unhappy with restrictive space
Zoom in -- cloth is significant -- burlap -- held tight with string

Burlap reminding me of a past life regression I did on Whidbey Island at Madi Nolan's
I was with siblings in Ireland, Potato Famine, we wore burlap (intention of this regression was to understand food issues -- we had little food in this lifetime)

I am told that I will receive an answer to a question watch/listen.

There are many sensations in a journey -- seems to be an intelligent filter that sorts the significant "stones" for communication. Much like a sieve. Some impressions are "heavier" than others to be communicated. Intelligent matrix of communication.

Tabernacle definition:

The portable sanctuary in which the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant through the desert.

A case or box on a church altar containing the consecrated host and wine of the Eucharist.

A place of worship.

A niche for a statue or relic.

Nautical. A boxlike support in which the heel of a mast is stepped.

Goose (via Aflac) appeared -- moving long neck and head -- in this reality of computer techonology. She thought that comical -- me too!


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