
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Power Points

I appreciate Hank's words in Visionseeker about the transcendent power of sexual expression with his wife, Jill. I experienced this power with husband Tom and found myself seeing Native chiefs and regalia. At one time after a lusty night and morning Angel Gabrielle made an appearance - she was very feminine. Spiritual intimacy and physical intimacy are like that lightning bolt that descends and ascends to charge/fire/explode in the middle distributing fire force to all the parts of heaven and earth. Physical sex grounds this force differently than telepathic sex. Different mediums are in focus.

Reading Visionseeker has me wanting to go to the spa and sit in pools of steamy water and get a lomi massage. The book has created a new environment around me that feels tropical and relaxing...with misty sprays of water.

A story line hit an emotional nerve last night when I was reading the chapter Hawaiian Encounters. Hank was offering prayers at night at the crater Kilauea, "a side vent on Mauna Loa's eastern shoulder." "The mountain spirit, whose elements are fire and volcanic stone, clearly said to us both, "I shall be with you always, children of the Earth." That still stirs my solar plexus points here/now. (I read recently that the solar plexus holds ground for emotion. I see this area as equator.)

Thank you.


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