
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

South of the Equator

The attachment I'm now conscious of is located south of my equator. It feels full of rage and depression like a dark cloud. I've been asking myself where this "entity" came from. As a child I was very sensitive and remember the grief that exploded when my Uncle Ed passed over. I couldn't sleep and ran from my bed to my mom and dad sobbing about his death. And when I was in fifth grade and at a teen party I broke into a sobbing spell after someone had sang Old Shep which reminded me of my collie. In a family that didn't epxpress feelings there was no avenue to release this energy. I held my own emotion and probably that of others who suppressed theirs.

As I read Visionseeker I realize that my emotional cycle with it's deep anger and depression may have to do with this unreleased energy that developed into some sort of entity or collective mass. So, how does one release energetic attachment? Is the shamanic term for this process "extraction?" I'm asking shamanic healers Hank and Jill.

If my earth body is similar to planet Earth body then She holds all of our chords of attachment as well as her own cosmic chords. My release and detachment of negative energy chords is Her release -- south of the equator.


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