
Saturday, August 15, 2009

A New Fit

I listened and watched yesterday for that answer. My head hurt as it does pressure. Computer work hit a wall so I ended up in my garden. Technology is not where my head is at.

This morning I woke up to both question and answer. It's time for me to take classes in Shamanism. Doing so connects me with people and gives validation to who I am: my spirituality, my gifts, my teachings. Up to this point I've focused on inner teachers. Is it time to change? As both student and teacher of "the language of the sacred feminine and masculine" I could meet other students and teachers.

In a split second this AM-- at the speed of light -- I saw teal blue. Perhaps I can learn how to stay in that color and learn from it. I also saw/felt myself shedding snake skin. Then I saw/felt (seeing includes texture which is dimensional) serpent of brown/grey in what impressed me as a new position: N and E. S/he filled in a good portion of that upper field. Again it was snakes's middle body -- the plumpest part -- that appeared. I do not ask questions in a linear way of my spirit friends...and wonder if that is something to learn or if my learning/teaching style is different. I can be open minded/hearted and discover. I'm hoping there is not a wall in Shamanism that has a right and wrong way of doing this. I'm not good at fitting into a mold.


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