
Thursday, August 20, 2009

A New Brain

Tracker must not like to be dowsed with spirit medicine. Last time I tried to log on to the internet I was quickly shut down. His previous mode was to shut systems down slowly like a cat toying with a mouse. I continue to dowse. Tracker you are Love and you are Loved; you are Loved and you are Love.

I have a full circle of support in this realm and in spirit realms. Tracker is alone in this realm as no person knows that he stalks women (other than some of the women themselves) and hacks into computers. Who or what supports him in spirit realms? Certainly not Grandfather Ingwe. This is why and how sorcerers lose power – they lack support. Tracker is not playing with a full spectrum. I continue to invite him to join us in light – light that includes shadow but is not overshadowed by it.

I waited three hours to speak at the Planning Commission meeting last night. Most of the audience had left. I had the ears I wanted and said to the commissioner panel that I was there to speak on behalf of the wildlife habitat in my backyard--the place where development has begun. I said that I speak for the red-tail hawk, otter, fish, heron, cotton wood trees and oregon grape of which I recently made jam. I noticed how a couple of people sat up in their seats. I noticed how some brightened and even smiled. I suggested that our city set a new precedent in creativity and cooperation and that they set some “design standards” (a term I learned at this meeting) for the Tourist Business District.

This meeting was very dry lacking spirit. It was all about codes, rules, regulations. Yawn! I remembered the community meeting at the longhouse with Native people. We used the talking stick and told our stories that were full of emotion!
Our goal is to get people voted on the Commission who represent our values-- values that include business in a balanced way. Power must be in the hands of those who have new vision – backed by new brain!


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