
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brain Function

Yesterday: Too much energy in South creating pressure and imbalance. Toxic nausea and headache. When I was married to Tom I would ask him to put his hand on top of my head. This calmed and smoothed out my wiring as if his cool touch balanced the fiery charge. This "sexual" circuitry is charged North rather than South.

I don't read very much and discovered that I had difficulty reading the descriptive passages in Visionseeker. I wanted to skip over that step by step information. As if my brain-body didn't want to go there. The same is true of websites that have a lot of parts. It's too busy and linear for my wiring, seeing and assimilating. I opened an email from Carolyn Myss and was greeted with deep and rich blue with lovely complementary colors. She's going to the Meditteranean! (My dream work is to visit sacred sites around Earth Mother and do shamanic healing.) This reading of color and space I can assimilate and enjoy! It speaks my language. So, what does that say about my brain function in this linear world? What I'm hearing is that I need to find like-brained people. Is this why I'm so drawn to Native Americans?

I saw someone I hadn't seen for awhile. The language that came forth was, "I missed you." But that didnt't ring true to my observer so we changed it to "I'm glad to see you again!" What's the truth behind that new language? The truth is that I was never separated from this person. That we have a connected heart chord and that there are rhythms to our connection. So, what does one do with chords that want to dominate and control you? Chords with unhealthy people?

I've been thinking about earthquakes as a way to release pressure. Volcanic eruption and tornadoes must do the same. Does this release of pressure also mean the release of toxic emotions and spirits? If so should not shamans be working together to honor this process of Nature? Perhaps this is happening. This looks like a working relationship/partnership with Elementals and Elements.


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