
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Extraction and Release

I received a call as I was writing the last post. It was the Seattle Indian Health Board in response to my Circle of Life class. Their focus is diabetes and they don't have funding for this type of creative healing work. And this is what we are up against. A system that has gotten so far off track that it's forgotten about inner healing and knowing oneself via the power of emotions -- the sacred Feminine. It's so sad that indigenous people have had to buy into the "civilized" system.

From what I've read and heard about Lemuria and Atlantis the same scenario played out. Technology of the masculine vs nurturing of the feminine. We are now at similar crossroads. It need not be the us versus them mentality of old brain. There can be cooperation and co-creation.

I keep experiencing interference on the computer system. I suspect tracker/sorcerer. I am doing something new. When he comes into my space I am dousing him with spirit medicine. His unhealthy "attachments" dissolve and he is whole. I hold him and his blocked emotions in new Light and Love.

My letter to the editor is published in the local paper this week a friend informed me. I'm attending a City Council meeting tonight to meet my local reps. Several groups in this ag and business tourist valley are uniting and saying "no" to a developer. Sounds like he's already retracted and is asking for a plan B. I am happy to see solidarity.

Love the Rachel Maddow show. I do hope "Progressives" can pull together and move that which is stuck -- for the good of the whole.

Thank you. (to all my spirit allies in this realm and beyond. A force field of....the word that comes in is..."color.")

My feet are deep in moist mud...and I just did an extraction letting that rage that I've sensed at the edge release. Rattle and Sage played their part.


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