
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Earth I Am

Late Tuesday night cannot sleep. Sharp energetic pressure moving through heart chakra…very uncomfortable. My body doesn’t know how to manage/process this power surge. My head feels more spacey, body lifted (not grounded) – as if I’m functioning in a different dimension.

I finally learned how to engage a lock on a gate near my garden. The answer was to put firm pressure on it in an aligned N/S angle. I walked away from this lesson into the rising sun and felt a line move through me N/S. The sensation was one of grounding. I thought that straight masculine lines are coming in to balance arcing curvature. What are these grounding chords?

In Visionseeker I had trouble engaging with Hank’s description of Ku and Aumakua. I seem to need pictures to help me assimilate information. Is my brain becoming more “reptilian?” I’m finding that working on the land is what I want to do most…it must be helping me to ground. What is happening to this earth that I am?


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