
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Thursday night before sleep Native peoples were dancing around me. A lot of activity. Looking forward to spending time at Day Break Star that next day...when the park was closed due to cougar sitings!

Grandson's first full days of kindergarten. He wonders why he's there so long. Granddaughter goes to school with both wrists in casts having gone head over bike handles. So glad she was wearing a helmet.

I've met a Native man who has soft edges. I also notice that I feel "soft" when I'm at Day Break Star and with the Native community. I think "soft" must have to do with love -- that white lacy edge I dreamed about. I am grateful for these experiences.

Going to be on a ship in Olympia all day getting trained to promote my friend's research book Blackbeard Decoded. Next week at the Wooden Boat Show. This is one small income stream. Lady Selah and I are starting to promote the Moonwaters Garden. The Sammamish Valley Grange is our first sponsor of one of the stone benches. This is another income stream as I am doing outreach for fundraising.

The Grange is paying me to clean up the Heritage Garden. This manual labor is a welcome change after sitting at a desk for so many years. I can only do two hours at a time, however.

Am attending more Native events to make connections and see how my Circle of Life class can support Youth and Elders.


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